Knoxville’s Ronald McDonald House has been serving families since 1985

Give a parent one wish and chances are they would ask for the health and happiness of their children. But that’s not always possible. Fortunately, our Ronald McDonald House provides temporary lodging and the comforts of “home” for families with critically ill/injured children.

The House is available to a family with a child, age 21 years or younger, who does not reside within Knox Co that is receiving medical treatment at any area hospital.

Each month, over 20 illnesses will bring a family to our door, including but not limited to prematurity, cancer, respiratory issues, various surgeries, & emergency care. Once a family is registered with us, they may come and go 24 hours a day as their child’s medical needs dictate and may stay as long as is deemed medically necessary. The House is staffed 24/7 and a guard is on duty during the evening hours for the safety and well-being of our guests.  In addition to a private bedroom, a family can expect to find a fully stocked and functioning kitchen, a laundry area with needed supplies, an indoor playroom and a fenced outdoor play space.

Extended family members who can offer support such as grandparents and/or siblings are welcome to stay if an appropriate size room is available. Families are informed that we are grateful to receive a $5.00 per night donation for a room, but if that poses a problem in any way, it is gladly waived, as our goal is to remove, not add, burdens to a family’s shoulders.

We strive to make the House a warm and friendly “home” where our guests cannot only rest and renew their spirits, but can also have the opportunity, if they wish, to meet other families who are experiencing similar issues with their children with the hope they could draw additional comfort and support from these new-found friendships.

On Valentine’s Day 2000, we opened a second Ronald McDonald House beside the original one that gives us the ability to accommodate 15 families or 65 people nightly.


DAY USE PROGRAM: Often times even though a family would qualify to stay with us, they are not comfortable being away from their child for extended periods of time. For that reason, we offer our House and its services to families who might need access to things such as food, laundry, or simply the chance to take a break for a moment of calm.  This is offered at no charge and simply takes a referral from a social worker at the hospital and is the perfect option for Knox Co residents who are in need of assistance.

Our golf tournament began over 20 years ago as a fundraiser to support our organization.  It has proven to be the most lucrative annual event of the dozens we have each year.  In addition to raising greatly needed funds, it also showcases our charity to new donors and volunteers through their participation in the tournament.

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